
Cosmetic & General Dentist & (Hygienist) located in Woodland Hills, CA

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Veneers services offered in Woodland Hills, CA

Veneers correct flaws like tooth discoloration, irregular size, and cracks and chips to give you a uniform, attractive smile. At the office of Dean L Brown, DDS, in Woodland Hills, California, Dr. Brown and the team offer patients porcelain veneers that adhere to the teeth’s surface in just a few visits. Call today to learn more about how veneers can revolutionize your smile, or use the online tool to book. 

Veneers Q&A

What are veneers?

Veneers are thin sheets of porcelain that fit over your existing teeth to mask major smile flaws. Veneers match your natural tooth color and are translucent, so they look just like natural teeth. 

Veneers can be used to refine one tooth or an entire row of teeth.

What dental concerns can veneers correct?

Veneers effectively improve the look of dental flaws. They give you a gleaming, Hollywood smile that you’re proud to show off.

Dr. Brown may recommend veneers to correct the look of:

  • Discoloration and staining that doesn’t respond to conventional teeth whitening
  • Wide gaps between teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Pointy or short teeth

In cases of mild misspacing or tooth crookedness, veneers are as effective as expensive orthodontic treatments. After the application of veneers, your smile looks straighter and more aligned. 

How do I care for veneers?

Care for veneers just like you do your natural teeth. Brush twice a day and floss regularly. Also, schedule professional cleanings and exams. Avoid chewing hard objects, like popcorn kernels or jaw breakers. 

With good care, veneers last 10 years or longer. 

What does getting veneers involve?

You should be in generally good oral health and free of gum disease to receive veneers. If you determine that veneers are right for you, expect the entire process to take at least two visits. At your first visit, Dr. Brown makes models, takes photographs, and orders digital X-rays to create images for the lab to customize your overlays. He also prepares your teeth by removing a small layer of the existing enamel. This makes room for the veneer sheath to fit. 

He’ll place temporary veneers to protect your teeth until your permanent ones come in.

At the next appointment, Dr. Brown will place your veneers. He will bond each veneer precisely and ensure a proper fit. You’re now ready to show off your new, brilliant smile. 

If you’re ready to get a smile that boosts your self-confidence and makes you feel beautiful, contact Dean L Brown, DDS, today. Call the friendly staff or use this website to book an appointment online.